Please make sure that lowriter is installed on your system by running the following command: $ lowriter -versionĬonvert a single ODT, DOC or DOCX file to PDF The Application Launcher can be accessed using the Super/Windows key. Open your Debian command line, the Terminal, through the Debian Application Launcher search as follows: Here is how you can use the LOwriter from the command line: Here, we will be making use of the CLI of the same in order to convert our documents to pdfs. If your system lacks it, you can easily install it from the Debian Software Manager: LibreOffice Write is part of the LibreOffice package and is mostly available by default in most Linux distros. Using the LibreOffice CLI Lowriter for pdf conversion We have run the commands and procedures mentioned in this article on a Debian 10 Buster system. The command-line tools do not use too many resources and thus form great alternatives to the widely used graphical applications, especially if you are stuck up with older hardware. So, why should pdf conversion be any different! Using the Terminal makes certain tasks more efficient, and even faster. There is always a way to do almost all of our stuff right inside the Terminal.

If you are a Terminal-savvy person, you wouldn’t want to leave the comfort of the command line and go somewhere else to do any of your daily technical activities. In this article, we will explain how you can use the Debian command line, the Terminal, in order to convert and batch convert. You can, however, use the LibreOffice shell tools to create PDF files in Debian. Unfortunately, there is no default pdf creator available on your Linux systems. For Windows and macOS, you might be very much familiar, and also dependent on, the widely used Acrobat products for pdf file creation, viewing, and editing. PDF or the Portable Document Format is mostly our first choice when it comes to printing, sharing and emailing documents, especially the larger ones.